Thursday, October 14, 2010

Khaitan old call making new high.....

This was the heading I gave and post I wrote in July 2008........along with that I gave a call on Laxmi Electricals and India Glycols as well.........
Khiatan Electricals made a new high of Rs 207 today giving 400% return.......
I am seeing now Laxmi Electrical is recomended by houses......

Khaitan Electricals.......cmp.....Rs.55.15..code:504269

A new call to Buy Khaitan Electric.....going very very cheap.....Buy this stock for multibagger return......
Gave a call to buy on High Energy Battery at Rs 170......seems the upward movement has started after some initial hicupps......
There was some movements today.
I again give a buy call on Laxmi Electricals and India Glycols.Buy both for a multibagger return in 2 yrs time.......
Best of Luck.......
Not to write at your own comfort level.......and with due diligence.......


  1. Hey Rajeev,

    Your posts are increasing in frequecy as the markets go higher and higher. Hope you have started the Navratri celebrations with your family!

  2. Hi Rajeev,
    Please share with us your view on Coal India IPO.
    With Regards,
