Sunday, May 2, 2010


I know readers wants me back.The only way I can come back is there will be no Comments section on my blog.
The reason for taking off the Comment section is , too much of pressure keeps on coming and readers keeps on asking and writing things...while they fail to understand that it is impossible for me to give answers and write here also about stocks......
Let me write how much time is needed for a person who will do exactly I am doing "DAILY"....
1)Read "Economics Times"(ET) internet edition page by page and find or catch any news where I get interested.
2)Read " Business Standarad"(BS).........and same as ET......
3)Read all annoucement at bse site DAILY...and try to pick up news of my old call stock or find a new stock....from the annoucement.....
4)Read couple of more Buisness paper...ditto ...ET,BS like Live Mint, Financial Chronicle, DNA Money etc...and do the same like ET,BS......
5)Daily go through the bse site and see any new Results declared.....and like annoucement,open each and every results and see how Co is faring and take a clue from that....
6)Daily go to Money control Site and see if any thing worth reading....and if so , then copy and paste here for readers....that goes with ET,BS,Live Mint,Fin Chro,DNA etc as well...
7)Daily go through Volumne shocker and Price Shocker at moneycontrol site , the entire whole list....DAILY...
8)Give answer to mails that I get....from blog....
9)Looking at whole BULK DEAL list at bse ....stock by stock....
And...and after that Zeroed on any stock and then the diggin starts.....
Like writing that stock name in Google Search and as the new page for that stock gets open ..start clicking each and every link on that page and see if there is anything worth to read for that Co and at the end , after finishing that page, click on No#2 at the bottom of the page and open again a new page and again clicking all link on that page and then click No#4 and go on doing for all pages ....and all knows how many pages comes for anything you write for Search at Google....16 pages to 25...35..45...

Just imagine how much times it takes off from me.....
Then will try to go to Cos site and try to see what they are in and whether they will be good in future....

OK......These are my daily routine.........

I suggest all readers to do these daily for just 1 week all these that I have written and then see what much your eye will burn and how much water will come out from your eyes....and remember I do these daily...7 days a week....and I do after doing my Job where I works.....and do routine daily things that one use to do taking bath, going out for buying something,visiting friends and relatives, visitors coming to my place..attending ceremonies..attending functions...taking time off and go to watch a Movie..or visiting a park ... etc etc.....

After that I copy paste and write my ANALYSIS.......
and after that I give answers to readers query......
and after that readers write me anything they wants to write and expect I should not react the way I did recently.....
There can be many more things that I do for picking up a stock which I may have forget to mention....but these is just a glimpse of what I do......
Judge yourself and write me what you all feel.......
That will be the only time I will be keeping the Comment section on and then I will take off the section.....


  1. Dear Rajeev,
    Sheer amount of your daily reading shows you are really passionate in whatever you doing for us all. Hats off to you sir!! I should or shall I say, decision is entirely yours. After reading that you might want to decide to do away with the comment section made me realize that I might not be able to write or communicate with you one and one. But I still appreciate the fact that it is very time demanding for you too. It is better have you share your wisdom gained from your experience both good and bad rather than loosing you entirely. I am with you sir.

    Your follower and well wisher.

  2. Rajeev,
    Stopping the comments section means a big loss for your followers. But still its solely your comfort and wish that matters than others loss and no one has rights to ask you to do some favor to anyone. Neither in the past nor now will I request you to start or stop something. I believe that one must be comfortable in doing something and if he is not then its his decision that matters.

  3. Rajeev,

    After reading all the things that you are doing for studying stocks, I can understand that it takes a hell lot of time. I still appreciate that you considered returning back on conditions and I will be happy to see your analysis as that is most important, but would like to give a suggestion that you can consider a chat session once in a month where we all can interact with you and you can consider to answer some of teh questions just like in

    This way all will benefit at a time and you too can get some insite what your fans are thinking.

    Please let us know all what you think


  4. Bingo! Rajeev, That's the spirit, Nice to hear from you and that gives us a gr8 confidence.


    Warm Rgds,


  5. rajeev,
    This is really a mamoth task that you perform on everyday basis. We are very lucky to get a blog owner like you who gives so much effort for the blogviewer and his follower. I appreciate and respect your decision to off the comment section. Also I will request you not to mention your email id in the blog.

    I was very dissapointed that you won't write any more in this blog. But I am very happy with your come back.

    Soemtime I would like to meet you in U.S
    Thanks for everythig that you are doing for us.
    GOD bess you and your family.

  6. Dear friend,

    I request not to spoil the charm of ur blog on silly things.
    U can destroy the reputation received till day by this blog within seconds ...but think how much effort will be put to create such one blog.
    There may be extraordiary scholars who have knowledge than u in this field.But mere knowledge doesnt work in the world of expression,Patience,passion,Communication and application.These all qualities differentiate u from others. Please believe in your qualities, not in other's opinions.More over this blog would not not considered as yours own.its reader's also and without them this blog will be soulless.Think,without them what is charming remains eventhough it will be loaded with your views only.It is natural to have headache especially when we mingle with different kind of anonymous people.Neglect.

  7. Dear Rajeev,

    Thanks for coming back and believe it is a relieve to all of us. thanks and take care

  8. Rajeev,

    Great to hear that you are coming back. I will respect all you decisions. We would like to hear you with our eyes. Believe me sir you are doing an exemplary job, its super normal to do so many tasks in 24 hrs. Waiting to see your next article.

    God give you all the good health and strength to keep up you passion.

    Thanks a ton.


  9. Hey Rajeev,

    Seriously, a huge amount of work you put in!!!

    Anything you say. Welcome back and start rocking once again.


  10. Dear kolu kuttan,

    Allowing the comments area for the blog requires a moderator. Even if 50% of the followers have a opinion, there will be at least 75 opinions.
    To moderate all these, one has to dedicate time. Without moderation, the comments area becomes a Mess.

    Already, Rajeev has made it very clear on the amount of effort that he puts even before writing an article.

    So, lets allow him to make his own decisions.

    There are thousands of stocks listed in BSE/NSE.

    Even to start searching for potential multi-baggers, one needs to know the direction in which he has to proceed.

    Rajeev, will give the scrip as well as the justification. If one needs more information, reader has to dog into it.

    Earlier, Rajeev used to clear even the minor doubts of the reader. Now we have to take it on our own.

    I hope you understand his situation.

    I am happy that you have come back again. Take your own decision. Its your Blog. No need of comments area to avoid burden on you. I have Faith in you. Please proceed as you wish.

    Thanks a Ton


  11. Dear Rajeev

    I agree to your writing that it takes huge amounts of efforts to boil down the news. I do it partly and I know how taxing it is. Thanks and Kudos to you.

    I think this is one of the best approaches by removing the comments section. You can concentrate on your job well.

    Rajeev Juneja

  12. Hi Dear Rajeev,
    Being a admirer of your blog and your comments i am happy to have you back to this blog. I decision to continue without the comments from us i utmost welcomed and entirely your decision. Please continue to give us your estimeed comments on different stocks. Thanks a lot.

    May god bless you,

  13. Dear Rajeev
    Welcome Back! Just give us your picks. We have full confidence in you. Taking off the coments section will save your valuable time & stress.
    Cheers and may The Great Almighty be always with you.

  14. dear rajeev,

    it appears that removing the comments section would held you a lot. as you can concentrate on the core thing rather that being distracted. please keep posting. hope to see you soooon.

    M.Sri Mahidar

  15. Rajeevji,

    I know pretty well that it is a herculian task and consumes most of the time an individual has at his disposal for tracking the stocks. As an investor I know how difficult it is.

    Whatever is your decision in regard to the comments section, it is acceptable to me

    C C ROY

  16. Dear Rajeev,

    Happy to see you again.No problem in removing the comment section.If anything needed, anybody can(should) dig into stock in the way you mentioned in this blog.Lot of effort taken by you
    to explain about just one stock.Great work sir.


  17. aap bas vapas aaa jaayiye, sab log aapka wait kar rahen hain :-) , not sure if you have to do the things daily, personal time is more important than anything else rajeevji, pls take care of that. We need you that's an altogether a different thing BUT, You should have the most blessed and beautiful life for yourself..... take care rajeevji , do the things which are most convenient to you..... we all love you and more than that we all admire what you are doing for this mass of people, and more than that it brings a lot of respect for you....

    very warm regards,

  18. Hi Rajeev Sir,
    I am willing to share some of your burden, in whatever way I can help you ,so as to positively contribute and beautify this blog.
    e.g. If you identified some stock and want to do some groundwork before posting etc.. you can outsource to me, to collect all that information, I can collect and source you in precise way. I mean, I am willing to make your life easy.
    We all boarders accept your decisions of taking comments off, but in case if by a rare chance if you want to keep it open, and you want someone to moderate it, I am willing to take that role, since I visit your blog almost everyday, and I enjoy doing it, as stocks and your blog is my passion.


  19. Dear rajeeve

    Hope u well.I know how much problem we are facing to get datas.Infact im not able to use my right hand finger due to overload while cliking the im trying to use left hand finger...
    keep writing ....
    good day
